Saturday, August 6, 2011

Typhoon Muifa

Typhoon Muifa was by far the LONGEST typhoon we have ever been through. It hit on Thursday and here we are on Saturday, still under "lock down". 
As far as storms go, this one was pretty anti-climactic. We were anticipating the end of days, but instead just ended up with a (relatively) weak and SLOW moving storm. Good trade, in my opinion. No regrets.
On the extreme bright side, we managed to weasel a 4 day weekend out of this weather. Hooray for typhoons with the decency to hit at the end of the week!

I like typhoons. they force us to be inside and be lazy. They can knock out power and water (it never happens for us, but it does for some) so I am super motivated to really clean the house thoroughly and bulk shop before one hits. 
It's the closest thing to a snow day we've got. It feels cozy to crank up the AC to "arctic" and sit around in jammies, drinking tea, and watch the storm. It makes me miss my fireplace in Nebraska. 

We are all homebodies, so staying indoors for a few days is not a big deal for any of us. We enjoy each other's company, like quiet activities like video games and reading, and are all perfectly capable of entertaining ourselves for long periods of time. 
Muifa was particularly relaxing. We caught up on Warehouse 13 and Eureka (which the girls LOVE), Chris and Adri played a lot of video games, and I finished Little women and read all of Good Wives. Honestly, I don't know what Abbi did all day yesterday. There were lots of barbies and a big dollhouse in the toy room, so I assume she spent the day being fabulously girly.

We are just this afternoon starting to feel the fidgetiness that comes with too many days of being sedentary. We are all looking forward to the All Clear announcement so we can run outside and get some fresh air!

PS- I don't think we had any damage, but we haven't been able to get out there and take a good look yet. We never lost power or internet, nothing flooded, and none of our stuff blew away. The poor tree out back didn't survive, but I classify that under the heading "not my problem". The maintenance guys will come and fix it up or haul it away. Living on base is convenient. Thanks for all the prayers! 

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