Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sea Monster Mom

We had a truly amazing time at the playground today and I wanted to share it. There is an elementary school (KES) right up the street from our house and it has an AWESOME playground in front. It's the kind of playground I wish my elementary school had had when I was young(er)! On weekends and evenings it becomes sort of a public playground and we like to walk or drive down there.
Today we happened to be the only family there, so we had to entertain ourselves. The girls jumped up on one of the big play structures (with slides and climby bars) and declared it to be a ship. So I naturally became a sea monster. We ended up swimming in the ocean (the grass), exploring temple ruins (a climbing wall), discovering an underwater cave system (a big, strange looking tree), and living in a tree house for a while (an Eiffel Tower shaped climbing structure). It was fabulous to see them put together information they've learned from documentaries, magazines, stories, and TV to make such an incredible and action-packed game.

I love watching their imaginations in action. When there are other kids to play with I usually sit back with a book and let them socialize, but I'm glad it was just us today. I had just as much fun as they did. And I got to be the sea monster. BONUS!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hurrying Up To Wait

Anyone familiar with military life has probably heard the phrase "hurry up and wait". It's more than just a saying, it's a way of life! We've been "hurrying" to get ready for a deployment. There is a surprising amount of work that service members have to get through to be able to deploy, and a lot of extra nonsense they need to take care of for their families. We have 3 different powers of attorney. It's redundant and a little nuts.
Now we are in the "waiting" phase. Dates have changed at the VERY last minute. I'm not saying I don't like having him around for a few more days, but it's a little like tearing off a band-aid one arm hair at a time. I't's usually just easier to rip that sucker off. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster and somebody added a few extra loops after I started down the track.
Adri and Abbi are handling it like troopers. Abbi is having problems because she isn't old enough to understand WHY he has to go and she can't quite wrap her sweet little mind around that much time. It's practically an eternity in little girl world. Adri is sad that he's going away, but she is old enough to remember that he has always come back from his "work trips". They want him to take pictures of camels. I thought that was an odd request, but regionally appropriate, I suppose. I think there is a better chance of him getting a shot of a camel SPIDER.
It's been an emotional week. The tail end of this year is going to be really great, I think... even if it is difficult. Having our family separated won't be easy, but it will certainly make us all appreciate each other in new ways. Love like this doesn't have to fear distance.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tack Up A Little Inspiration

I have a tack board by my computer desk and it's covered in little quotes and blurbs that can inspire me to keep on keepin' on when the day gets tough. This week has been full of tough moments and I've been reading my notes a LOT. I got most of them from books, blogs, and websites about and by people I admire. Some are about learning and some are just about parenting, but all of them come in handy at some time or another.

"Bring the world to your children and your children to the world"

"There are no bad days, only bad moments" -My motto for this week

"Learning happens all the time."

"You cannot possible teach your child everything they need to know. But you can give them one thing they need to learn- a positive learning attitude."

"It's a choice you are making to live your life the way you do right now. You can choose better. This moment can be better."

"Give  love generously and criticism sparingly."

"Be honest with your kids. Really."

"Parent mindfully, mindfully parent."

"When you have a bad moment admit it. Move on."

"The main goal is raising happy kids. Everything else is a bonus."

I have a few verses from Proverbs picked out that just haven't made their way up yet.

All 4 of us have been having problems with allergies this week. We've had headaches, more headaches, and lots of grouchiness. It's hard to be tired in a house full of tired people! Every time I lose my temper with a sick, cranky child I can look at my tack board and be inspired to make a better choice.  <3